
Some users might want to type their components with flow.

To create a flow-typed component, just use Reacli with either the --flow or the -f option:

reacli component ./my-super-component -f

It will generate a structure like this:

    └── my-super-component
        ├── components
        |   ├── MySuperComponent.jsx
        |   ├── MySuperComponent.css
        |   └── MySuperComponentContainer.jsx
        └── index.js

Container component

Generated component



  • First, we set the // @flow annotation to configure the component to be flow-typed
  • We create Props and State types, in which we will type our component props or type.
  • Then, we pass those types to the generic Component class.
  • We also create a static object called defaultProps in which we will be able to add some values to the component props that are not required.

Dumb component

Generated component



  • Here again, we set the // @flow annotation to configure the component to be flow-typed
  • We then configure the Props type to contain one optional prop called value1 of type string
  • The dumb component is a functional one, and we type its input as being of the Props type
  • Finally, we set the defaultProps to configure the default values for the props that are not required (an empty string for the value1 prop)